That's right, the site Linkstreaming, recently became the benchmark for streaming movies, TV series, TV series, etc. .. was closed by the Guardia di Finanza and subject to seizure, and is now offline for a couple of days. Farewell then to and maybe farewell to the internet streaming, though in reality it was easy to imagine that this system "illegal distribution of films on the web, even those just out to the movies, it would sooner or later was blocked.
I understand that many users of the site, which had become one of the 50 most visited in Italy!, Will be very disappointed by the news of the closure, but perhaps it is time to go watch movies film, also out of respect for the studios!
Anyway, it is true that Linkstreaming closed probably forever, but alternatives are more or less valid, there are many, like countless other sites and blogs that we prefer not to report because too 'outlaw them or revert to download movies from Emule or Torrent, always remembering that it is an 'illegal action!
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