Sunday, July 4, 2010

How Often To Change Wax On Surfboard

Toscano "I remember Don Carlo Zaccaro, a champion of charity Christian

* June 29, 2010 A little over a month after the death of Don Carlo Zaccaro, it exacerbates the gap left by the great Florentine priest, champion of charity. A man of great human and cultural, before maturing the priestly vocation that would take him to lead the Work of Divine Providence "Madonna del Grappa" the death of founder Don Giulio Facibeni, was a lawyer, university professor, to collaborate politically with the great Mayor Giorgio La Pira.

The following is the memory of a week shared with Don Zaccaro in Scutari, the capital of the country north of the Eagles: 1995 was the priest, the representative in Albania "Madonna", was shaking times as much as possible to alleviate the terrible living conditions of hundreds of orphans in most celebrolesi, discovered almost by chance within an institution located in the heart of the city. The undersigned, a volunteer in the short course "Madonna" had the task of observing and documenting the tragedy in the tragedy. On paper, the school looked like a normal accommodation center: in fact turned out to be a lager frenzy in the midst of dirt and rats "Guinness Book of Records." Don Carlo had landed in Albania in 1992 invited the Missionary Sisters of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the vanguards of the pope in the poor country to turn over the Adriatic Christian charity destroyed by 47 years of brutal communism.

"He chose to work in Albania - written on the website of the" Virgin Mary "- in the footsteps of Mother Teresa, beginning in a very difficult country, where he also suffered an attack, but his determination kept him there in the land border. " Immediately took contact with the first democratically elected leaders in Tirana, the banner of the slogan "make haste" it was necessary, in fact, restore dignity to the most vulnerable of all, people with disabilities. Taking advantage of an EU ban, he found the money to restructure the institution lager. He set to work, make direct contact with the first democratically elected rulers Tirana to restore an image to the most vulnerable among the poor, the disabled. "The important thing for Albanians - had this to say in a public meeting held in 1995 to Galeata, the birthplace of Don Facibeni - not so much to feed and clothe re-educate them as to the true meaning of work."

Taking advantage of an EU ban, he found the money to restructure the institution lager. Succeeded thanks to the fundamental contribution "zero cost" of some of Romagna, including the unforgettable African foreman Flood and the current mayor of Santa Sofia Flavio Foietta. Then, thanks to the arrival of missionary Grosseto Silvana Vignali, supported dall'onlus Forli 'Committee for the Fight Against World Hunger " gradually began to remove young children from the center to place them in foster homes. Remains indelible in my eyes to the embrace of Don Carlo "pariah" of Puka. The poor inhabitants of the handful of houses on the border with Kosovo, as livelihood depended on the food offered by the community of Sisters of Mother Teresa, but they were hopelessly stubborn in wanting to buy a can of Coca Cola, which had already already there, first of all the devilish capitalist. Don Zaccaro was madly in love with this garrison of six nuns led by Sister Tecla, Tuscany like him. Since their arrival in Puka, the nuns had asked the difficult problem of coexistence of Catholics with Muslims, two very different religious experiences in their expression, particularly in Europe.

The era was full of sites for the reconstruction of mosques and minarets, is perfectly in line with the policy of re-Islamization meant to that country by the rich "Arab brothers" in the Gulf. The question is, however, lasted only a few months, so constant and consistent was the charitable work of the sisters, that the mosque has been closed down for lack of followers. "A Puka - he liked to tell the same Don Carlo, the petrodollars have not worked but love for the poor of Sister Thecla and her Missionaries of Charity." Some years ago Don Zaccaro received the highest honor for his commitment to the Albanian revival of the country, his second home. Has not really ever glory: the important thing is helping to restore the beloved Albania "dignity, respect and love for others, as did Jesus Christ, of which I am a humble servant."

Piero Ghetti


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