January 8, 2011 - Meeting children of Don Carlo
We have taken up the proposal for a meeting between boys and friends of Don Carlo.
We believe it is important not to lose sight and especially those who try do not see a long time. We have all experienced
with Don Carlo Villa Guicciardini, in Albania or in Galeata important moments of our lives.
We want friendship and values \u200b\u200bthat have been proposed are not only a memory, but living in our families and maybe even in the initiatives that we can do together.
An invitation to all to get to the news of this meeting to all the boys and friends that we can reach.
The meeting was set for Saturday, January 8
at the monastery of Santa Marta in via di Santa Marta 7
in Florence where we are making available a meeting room and a refectory.
There are also outdoor areas where children can play.
Programma della giornata
ore 10,00 Arrivo
ore 10,30 Messa celebrata da Padre Athos Turchi (i piĆ¹ grandi lo ricorderanno negli incontri che organizzavamo per gli universitari)
ore 11,30 Riunione con
News da - Firenze - Romagna - Albania
Proposte per prossimi incontri e iniziative comuni
ore 13 Pranzo (cuciniamo un primo, per il secondo ognuno porta qualcosa)
Nel pomeriggio possiamo trattenerci per riprendere la discussione iniziata nella mattinata o per passare semplicemente un po' di tempo insieme.
Chi avesse bisogno di restare a dormire a Florence can stay in the guesthouse of the monastery (37 € per person)
conttattando nuns
Santa Marta Monastery of the Benedictine Nuns of Santa Maria
Via Santa Marta, 7 - 50139 Florence
tel / fax 055 489 089
email: santa-marta @ tiscali.it santamarta@email.it santamarta@tin.it
Please tell us by writing to your participation amici.dcz @ gmail.com or phoning
Chiara Bencini (333.2964431)
Roberto Mushrooms (338.9103413)
Carlo Zappia (339.7907206)
Warrior Mario (347.5588370)
http://maps.google.it/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=&daddr = street + of + Santa + Marta, +7, +50139 + London + (+ Monastery + of + Santa Marta) & hl = en & geocode = & mra = ls CcJuEMi6WZDzFYNQnAIdpr2rACGrmssCBnZxSQ & sll = 43.800062,11.257768 & sspn = 0.015147,0.038581 & ie = UTF8 & ll = 43.79969,11.257768 & spn = 0.015921,0.038581 & z = 15http: / / maps.google.it / maps? f = d & saddr = & source = s_d & daddr = Via + + + of Santa Marta, +7, +50139 + London + (+ Monastery + of + Santa Marta) & hl = en & geocode = & mra = ls CcJuEMi6WZDzFYNQnAIdpr2rACGrmssCBnZxSQ & sll = 43.800062,11.257768 & sspn = 0.015147,0.038581 & ie = UTF8 & ll = 43.79969,11.257768 & spn = 0.015921,0.038581 & z = 15
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