Thursday, February 24, 2011

Honda Pilot 2007 Ipod Input


- Intervention by Msgr Giordano Frosini -

Talking with Don Zaccaro was a joy of spirit, about Don Zaccaro is still a great pleasure, but mutilated by his physical absence and lack of his affable smile and friendly of his word and always ready understanding of its friendly presence and charm. We are therefore forced to resort to memory still fresh of the rest of his face and his distinctive features of his attitude always humble and resigned, his seemingly casual look and but always attentive and helpful. Charles will remain for all us the figure is representative and emblematic of the true friend. What does not ask anything, because it does not need nothing, and today it is just ready to give, to donate because it has a lot to give to all, without exception, to reach out in the act of kindness, sympathy and sincere affection. So we want to remember together at this time, with the hope that now reached the final fulfillment of his existence , is able to listen sympathetically and forgive us for words of praise that we have to say him. Alive not going to certainly allowed. Yet we can not remain silent. Now that we lost, we are fully aware of the grace that is passed close to us and the size of a life seemingly tumultuous and disorderly, the day of reckoning, however, a linearity and disarming unit. The life of charity. Carlo was a specimen, a hero, a saint of Christian charity. No afraid to use these terms: the saints, all saints of the church (how can we forget these places Facibeni Don Giulio, his teacher and his guidance) are made of this material . The more times I have to say these days that in his exemplary life and light we would certainly be a means for its real excitement rectory. This probably will not happen, but his example remains before us peremptory striking and a reminder to our strong mediocrity, a solicitation sweet and seductive to pick up the thread of a discourse that is only interrupted, but should continue in his name and his memory.
The saint of charity. In the long, long-continued and complex relationship I had with him, I have found in him the elements of the clearest message of the Gospel. Frequentarloera like going over the lessons and examples that constitute the fundamental reason of the presence of Son of God in our midst. Almost a comment living the most beautiful and most envied pages of the Gospel. Perhaps the best commemoration is to take up these texts and review them in light of his life, that nothing and nobody, no difficulty and no failures have never been able to stop or even pause and reverse.
Charles was the good Samaritan who, going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, one day he met the man stripped and wounded, abandoned by all, general indifference, even of Christians and men of his own faith, on the edge of the road. Without recrimination on those who had so abused and those who do not had witnessed, he stopped, took care of him, took him to safe, he thought the expenditure necessary and went looking for other injuries and other abandoned selfishness abounds.
An example of individualism in time and reflux in private, a voice against that we can let it go, as we remember together in emotion and affection, the mutual friend. The best way to remember those who have left us, the suffrage more Christian than we can do in their memory is to our their lesson and continue to bring it to fruition, what has been forcibly suspended their death. So many things still had in mind Don Carlo! The his imagination was running fast, tirelessly, with courage, ahead of the will that could not always follow this and , in turn, bumping against the ground that despite everything, has to deal with the harsh reality. The sogni_ Don Carlo sometimes came to their realization, but many were lost along the road. But those who have seen the light are enough to make him a major star in the rarefied air of our time . Tireless and indomitable to its consumption, despite its venerable age, ran from one point to another without ever stopping . Fixed and not maintained, because in the meantime had reached the ears new urgency, new demands of his presence. I wanted in Italy and instead was in Albania, upon request, in Florence and was somewhere else instead. Caritas Christi urget nos. man of charity can not afford to rest or stasis, until eternal rest in the Father's house, in the bosom of Most Holy Trinity.
Don Carlo was a victim, a wafer that was consumed on the altar of life, along with the host to every day consecrated to the supreme mission of his priestly ministry.
a sudden, this marks the superiority of Charles on the figure of the Good Samaritan that we are by reference, so well outlined by the Christian gospel of that artist by the name of Luke. Why did the Samaritan he met the victim was walking along the road in the exercise of his profession, but Charles did not stop at people he met along the streets, who were many, but even they went in search of those who needed help, there was a diviner of poverty, a pilgrim of love, when it was necessary, put his assisted safe, even crossed the sea and put his attention on the poor Albania, bled to death in all the meaning from the regime more fiercest of our time, and began again. I remain one of the closest witnesses to the anxiety that drove Don Carlo, and that is not allowed truce or rest. The little rest is allowed every day was a charge of ideas, enthusiasm, and true passion . In the morning he had always a new one. a bottomless pit, a mine inexhaustible. The charity of Christ is without measure.
commentators of our parable, the next section of solidarity, also highlight the efficiency of Samaritan. For a law of charity is the efficiency, the ability to go to Cases deep harm to them delete and create the conditions for a different life. A stretch that resembles very well in Don Carlo, because his help was not only a condition of aid, but a intervention seeking to resolve the problem. Charity understood in its most effective and, perhaps, even more modern charity is of itself decisive, an intervention that way again the medium, with a new spirit and in different conditions.
However, be careful. In Luke's account is a verb on which we place our attention, because otherwise this miracle would still be without an explanation. Yield accounts, the Samaritan does not stop because it pushed its good thoughts and his altruistic feelings. Man alone is capable of overcoming the barriers of selfishness, of their own laziness, its hopeless mediocrity.
This verb is called the Word of God, what expressed in the New Testament language and visceral maternal love of God 'which explains the word of the made of the Good Samaritan: the translation makes it with "had compassion", but the meaning is not made throughout the its strength. This is compassion God's compassion, which God at that moment forward it to the Samaritan passing by. We move with these thoughts to the situation of Don Carlo. He too was struck by this dart of fire and did not resist, even has accepted this mission, the charism of the Spirit as the gift most of her life and honored him until his death.
All this brings us back to his spiritual life in strict sense of the word, to his prayer, his availability, its ability to listen to the call and the word of God 'this, and nothing else, the typical Christian cross, the cross of discipleship, the cross of victory over own selfishness, the cross of the total gift of self. The cross the so-called interior mortification. This cross Don Carlo has fully relaxed, no residue and no returns in this worthy son of Don Facibeni.
The church can not, must not forget that it bears the preferential option for the poor. A choice necessary, not something you can do without: a choice but to fund the identity of the photographer Christian of Christian identity. Because God is so, because Jesus done so, because that has given us the most venerable tradition of the church. In the Realms of the poor are, must be the privileged. When the church has made room for rich and powerful, forgetting the poor, has Tradital its mission. An applicant temptation every hour. Bring to the bottom of this choice is typical of the prophets and witnesses. The living memory for a church is always tempted distracted by the temptation of the century. We declare today Carlo as our prophet and our witness, worthy continuation of that group of Christians wonderful that he met in his life and with whom he had fraternal relations of friendship and sharing. Among all, remember Giorgio La Pira.
others after me will say something new in regard to Don Carlo. I thought that it was up to me to enhance and emphasize this side of his personality. But at least let me mention another: a man of charity, Charles was also a man of thought and culture. not explain how else he could have developed friendly relations with many representatives of Italian Catholic culture of our time. Don Carlo knew everyone and everyone was estimated and loved. Humble up to capacity, he managed to hide this part of his personality. But the past of his life (the activity in FUCI, in the association of Catholic students in the study and teaching of Law), his memories, quotes always ready on his lips, his rare writings make this clear testimony to his undeniable talent. Pick up a paper and you will find clarity of ideas, depth of thought, the domain of subject matter, elevated language, punctuation exemplary. Qualities that are recommended as a writer and, at least, of an intelligent person.

Speaking of Don Milani, Charles named his wrote: "A lightning fallen on the church." In this paper, if I am not mistaken, there is much autobiography of Don Carlo: the excuse for those who had not understood in time, his ecumenical tract but not accommodating, his love for effective last and the marginalized, the use of culture as a means of liberation and rebirth of the derelicts of society. Lightning: The image is also appropriate for the Don Carlo. Or if we prefer, we say that "after the lightning came the thunder. "Thunder echoed that is, to break the eardrums in Florence, as has been said, he has 'm probably the last person that made it big in church and the world and has set common admiration. But even with distant echoes, throughout Italy in the grip of a shrunken individualistic and consumerist culture in the church that is continually losing enthusiasm and penetrative capacity and consent, in ourselves tempted to follow the bad habit forgetting our silent heroes that the Providence brought together in our life.
Thank you, Don Carlo. Do not forget, do not forget we . But, as this is possible, help us walk the path you've indicated, with the same ardor, the same enthusiasm that inspired and blown your long life. Long, but always quick for us. You've missed us in a particularly difficult time in our history. We still need you.
Continue your work will be for us the only way to honor your memory. And 'this is hardly an oath that made strong by your example, take your before the mortal remains. Thus, in us, you will still continue your mission and accomplish some of the many dreams that you bring to the grave.

; Giordano Frosini


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