In the June 7 meeting of the U.S. Judge, the Board of Directors of the Mercy of Forlì, unanimously voted to name the fraternity in Don Carlo Zaccaro. The priest, Don Giulio Facibeni heir and founder of the mission in Albania, especially loved the Romagna where he was able to create a network of many friends who respected him and were happy to to collaborate in the creation of his work for the poor and weak. It 'been for many landmark thanks to its ability to promote and coordinate. A man of great faith and a genuine love and engaging, a student of Giorgio La Pira organized conferences in Galeata in Forlì in Florence, in Albania because he believed in the importance of culture and training for true human development.
tireless builder of the common good, for several years advocated the dream of founding the Brotherhood also Forlì of Mercy. For this reason it is used by creating contacts with the National Confederation of Mercy, Mercy with of Antella and many friends Romagna Florence and stimulating a specific commitment in a number of preparatory meetings.
has participated as a founding member as well, very happy to finally see the birth of the new Mercy of Forlì.
why the naming of Mercy to his name is not only a sign of gratitude, but it 's also a commitment to continue, thanks to his example to his friendship with his enthusiasm into concrete actions of love and service to the poorest and in need near and far.
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